DEAR Editor,-
My 84 year old mother was robbed and assaulted twice in four days in her own home. The second attack included her neighbour being beaten and tied up when she went to check in on my mother.
My mother has always been a confident independent woman, quite happy to live on her own, but she is now so traumatised by these attacks that she has had to give up her home and move into a protected retirement estate environment. Yes, I can hear you saying that that is where she should have been already, but in a retirement estate you are no longer free to do as you please and, of course, there are rules to adhere to such as meals at specific times, etc.
My heartfelt thanks to the SAPS Alexandra Road, Pietermaritzburg, for their swift action and their concern over my mother’s well-being. Her attackers were given a 15-year sentence and so we assume that is what they will serve. Their freedom is gone temporarily, but my mother’s freedom is gone for the rest of her life.
Given our political climate and should a new president be elected, it is likely that their sentences could be halved or even be granted amnesty.
Sunwich Port