So technically today would have been ‘let out of the cage’ day.
ALSO READ: LOCKDOWN BLOG: The hustle to stay in the game – Day 21
Grrr… I would have gone for a run, visited the beach – soaked myself in saltwater!
But another 14 days it is, and no escaping it!
Gotta do what we have to do to flatten the curve… so onwards – we soldier on!
The mission is now to not go mentally mad during the next two weeks.
Here are FIVE simple tips to get you through the next 14 days:
- Set-up up a routine to give you purpose to your day. Structure will give you purpose to wake up every morning, and keep you busy throughout the day. During this period, try challenge yourself to learn a new skill, for example: knit, sew, cook a new dish, read a book, garden, spend time with your animals (play ball with your dogs) or become an overnight blogger, like me (lol).
- Challenge yourself to take a shower! It’s easy to stay the entire day in your sleep wear, but taking a shower will wake you up, and get you moving. Also, get dressed – even if it’s a clean pair of pajamas.
- Organise your life. Before lockdown you were probably so busy and on the go you hadn’t given your house a spring clean, let alone a deep clean. Now is the time! Get down on your knees and scrub those floors and sort out your cupboards.
- Move your body. Dedicate 40 minutes in your day to get physical and burn off some calories. Fill 2l bottles with sand and do some basic arm exercises or some lunges down the driveway or pathway. If you hate any form of exercise – put on your favourite tunes and dance around the house.
- Think good thoughts! Detach yourself from being sucked into the negative hype on social media. Don’t get tempted to share negative information or posts. Rather read positive books, quotes and uplifting articles. What you feed your brain will either affect you positively or negatively. Chose wisely!
Until tomorrow. Stay safe!
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