Useful numbers
Metro Police 031 610 000
Ambulance (Municipal) 10177
Netcare Medical 082 911
Fire 031 361 0000
Electricity and water 0801 313 013
CROW : 031 462 1127
CROW after hour number is : 0832125281
Monkey Helpline: 082 659 4711
Umsizi Umkomaas Vervet Rescue: 072 833 5119
Amanzimtoti SPCA: 031 904 2424
Contact Details For Ekzn Coastal Staff in Case of Stranded Sea Animals
Enock Mhlangu Umtamvuna River to Umzimkulu River 082 559 2864
Richard Zuma Umzimkulu River to Mzimayi River 082 559 2858
Paul Buchel Mzimayi River to Umkomaas River 082 559 2848
Karl Bentley Umkomaas River to Isipingo 082 559 2843
James Wood Isipingo to Umgeni River 082 559 2845
Basil Pather Umgeni River to Westbrook 082 559 2839
Lionel van Schoor Tongaat River to Umvoti River 082 559 2847
Selvan Pillay Umvoti River to Amatikulu River 082 559 2841
Callum Beattie Amatikulu River to Umlalazi River 082 559 2842
Kevin Green Umlalazi River to Richards Bay Harbour 082 5592837
France Mthembu Richards Bay to St Lucia Lighthouse 082 559 2849
Terance Shozi St Lucia Lighthouse to uMfolozi River 082 559 2870
Christo Grobler uMfolozi River to Mission Rocks & St Lucia Estuary 082 327 1702
Selvan Naidoo Cape Vidal: Mission Rocks to Red Sands 082 559 2872
Mary Pieters Sodwana: Red Sands to Mabibi 082 770 2620
Eric Mlaba Mabibi to Mozambique Border 082 559 2899
Thokozani Gumede 082 570 1446
George Nair 082 559 2855
Santosh Bachoo 083 783 9612
Jennifer Olbers 084 406 5907
Sea World
Gabby Harris 082 676 4050
Judy Mann 083 557 2470
Karin Fivaz 082 851 2828
Colette Bodenstaff 083 394 7373 / 031 328 8220
Corrina Pieterse 084 6044 301
Simon Chater (whale sharks/turtles) 082 896 4799
Gavin Drysdale (whale sharks/turtles) 084 422 77