
Education Trust pays homage to Nelson Mandela

GRADUATION: A fitting tribute to the memory of Nelson Mandela was held by the Peermont Education Trust at a graduation ceremony for seven students.

A FITTING tribute to the memory of Nelson Mandela was held this year by the Peermont Education Trust (PET) at their graduation ceremony for seven students at Emperors Palace two days ahead of Mandela Day on Wednesday July 16.

Mandela saw education as a basic human right, with his vision for South Africa, including building sustainable education solutions. Peermont has long held the same beliefs, which is why the group takes great pride in giving back to the Ekurhuleni community in a variety of ways, including granting full scholarships for degrees and diplomas from renowned universities such as the University Of Johannesburg (UJ), the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) and the Vaal University of Technology.

The PET trustees are proud that 98 per cent of the students go out to secure quality jobs with some of the leading companies around the country. Through the PET, the students who are largely drawn from impoverished backgrounds, are given a lifelong learning and an opportunity to permanently improve their economic circumstances and break the poverty cycle that hinders progress in our communities.

“It is only through these initiatives that the gap between the rich and the poor will narrow”, said Vusi Zwane, Group Corporate Affairs Executive and PET Trustee. “Programmes such as these truly empower young South Africans and enable them to create their own wealth.”

Students are able to choose from a wide variety of fields, including engineering, finance, biotechnology, physics and computer science. “This project has proved to be extremely successful, with a pass rate of 85 per cent compared to the national tertiary pass rate of between 15 and 22 per cent. The success of our students is due to our strict selection criteria and the continued psychological and material support we provide, including individualised mentorship and workshops on life skills and emotional intelligence”, said Zwane.

In addition to the scholarships, the Trustees also encourage beneficiaries to give back to their communities, and as a result, many of them conduct academic support programmes in their respective townships during the holidays.

This year the Peermont Education Trust Prof Adam Habib, the highly respected Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of the Witwatersrand, was the key note speaker at the graduation ceremony on Mandela Day.

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