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JUST IN: Bluff Grandmother confirms safe return of granddaughter

Mtshali went missing on Sunday, 14 January when her and her mother went to the mall and disappeared.

There has been a happy ending for Bluff grandmother, Patricia Kate whose missing seven-year-old granddaughter returned home just over a week after she went missing.

“I’m so happy, I just got a call today from my husband to say my grandchild has been returned to my home safely,” she said.

READ: Bluff gran appeals for missing granddaughter’s return

Anelisa Mtshali and her mother disappeared after they left for a Bluff mall on Sunday, 14 January.

A missing person’s report was opened with Brighton Beach police and the call for help was spread via social media, for the safe return of the grade 2 pupil.

“I am happy she is at home now, we can all breathe again,” said the relieved gran.


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