
Local bikers spin away from substance abuse

Up for grabs were medals, trophies and bicycle parts in the competition’s categories which include Best Spinner, Chrome, Colour and Sound.

Boni Lifestyle hosted their South African Stance Bikers spinning competition at the Orlando West Park on June 24.

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Young local bicycle spinners from Soweto, Thokoza, Lenesia South and Eldorado Park gathered at the venue to be part of the day and showcase their spinning skills with pimped bicycles.

TYSYS Capital Group sponsored the event.

Up for grabs were medals, trophies and bicycle parts in the competition’s categories which include Best Spinner, Chrome, Colour and Sound.

According to the founder of Boni Lifestyle, Kabelo Modutoana through their brand which was established in 2021 after they saw young children riding bicycles in the area, they fell in love with the idea and held their first spinning competition to offer support to the spinners.

“With the high increase of substance and drug abuse in our townships, we want to nature the skill and talent that these young children have, offer them support and keep them away from the streets so that they do not fall victims to peer pressure which may result to the use of these drugs,” Modutoana said.

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He added that hosting such events is not easy since they have to provide food and prizes to the winners, but with the help of sponsors such as TYSYS Capital Group they were able to make the day a success.

TYSYS Capital Group sponsored the event.

“As a Soweto resident, I was familiar with seeing people pimping and spinning their BMWs but these children changed the narrative to fit their passion. We know and understand that these bicycles cost them, the fact that some of the spinners safe money which they supposed to use to buy lunch at school shows us how invested they are in this, hence we come up with ways to at least meet them half way.”

The event which was initially organised to be held every month will now be hosted after a month due to lack of sponsorship and will move to different locations in Gauteng.

One of the spinners, Njabulo Shongwe.

“The requirements for participants to join are for them to have their own pimped bicycle, any age and gender is welcome.”

One of the participants, Njabulo Shongwe (18) from Mofolo North who started spinning when he was 10 years old said he was grateful to be part of the competition since spinning bicycle is now his passion.

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Shongwe said the prizes of the bicycle differ with the highest costing R6 000 which excludes maintaining and pimping.

Young local bicycle spinners from Soweto, Thokoza, Lenesia South and Eldorado gathered at venue to be part of the day and showcase their spinning skills.

“In future, I want to see myself being one of those who spin BMWs because I have found what I am passionate about. I also plan to study motor engineering, which is a result of my love for spinning and fixing bicycles,” Shongwe said.

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