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South African Library Week celebrated at local school

"We grouped them according to their grades and choose books that are in line with their current syllabus.”

As a way of instilling a culture of reading amongst learners, Bapedi Primary School celebrated the South African Library Week (SALW) on March 18.

The SALW is observed from March 18 to 24 annually and this year’s theme was ‘’Libraries foster social cohesion’’ which encourages the crucial roles that libraries play in uniting communities as well as brining people from different backgrounds together to exchange ideas and capabilities.

Bapedi Primary School learners showcased their reading skills in celebration of the day,

Bapedi Primary School teacher and library coordinator, Sekgabolana Manaka said they have used this year’s theme to promote information services and observe the benefits that the literary has on their learners.

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“This has been a really interesting day and we are glad that like we usually take part in reading activities, we took part in SALW.

“As a school, we understand reading with comprehension and understanding can be used as a weapon for our learners’ success, we therefore want to continue with this culture and have our learners read with meaning,” Manaka said.

She added that some of the activities that were chosen for the day were playing reading games, reading short stories, drama and poetry.

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Bapedi Primary School learners showcased their reading skills in celebration of the day,

“We used our school library to honour the day and all learners were excited to participate and showcase their reading skills. We grouped them according to their grades and choose books that are in line with their current syllabus.”

“We can positively say that the day was a great success because regardless of all the challenges of reading that some learners are still facing, celebrating this day has brought us closer to finding solutions that can aid these learners.

“We believe that through encouraging them to visit our school library and read more at home we can reach our end goal which is having a school of learners who read with meaning and understanding.”


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