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Addie staff in the kitchen: Valentine’s Steak and cheat roast potatoes

Don't let the name fool you, this is a dish for every occasion, even if it is just a quiet evening at home with the family.

This week we cooked Valentine’s steak which was served with a green salad and roast potatoes done the easy way.


Step 1: Gather all your ingredients before you start cooking.


  • 4 Fillets of steak (about 200g each). I used dry aged rump but you can use whichever cut you favour.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • 30ml Olive oil.
  • 4 Bay leaves.
  • 4 Cloves of garlic, chopped.
  • 100g Butter.
  • 5ml Mustard (or more to taste).
  • 125ml Red grape juice.
  • 8 – 10 Red grapes.
  • Chopped fresh parsley.


Step 2: Season the steaks with a little salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the bay leaves and garlic and fry until the garlic is golden. Place the steak in the pan and fry on both sides according to taste.


Remove the steak from the pan. Add the butter, mustard and grape juice to the hot pan. Bring to the boil. Add the cream and grapes and stir. At this point I found the sauce a little too runny so I did thicken it with corn starch although this is not required. Pour over the steaks.


Plate your steak and potatoes (instructions below).


Pour the sauce over the steak and enjoy with a salad or your favourite vegetables.
  • Recipe taken from my ultimate “go to”, never fail cook book,Ā My Portuguese Feast by Mimi Jardim.



If you aren’t doing a roast in the oven, but still fancy a roast potato with your dinner, here is a simple way to get the same result in half the time.

Peel your potatoes and place them in a microwave dish (with a lid). Cover them with water and boil them until just cooked. I cooked this fairly large bowl of potatoes for 12 minutes on high.


On the stove, heat a pot of oil and deep fry your potatoes as you would cook chips. Once they have risen to the surface (indicating they are cooked) leave them to fry for about 3 to 4 minutes longer to get crispy roast potatoes.


Once your potatoes are crisp, drain them on paper towel and serve with any meal.


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