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The tale of netball and two sisters

The family has been blessed with two netball loving daughters who work very hard for the sport they love.

Amoré Coulter (8) and Zenuschka Pretorius (11) are two trailblazing sisters with a passion for netball. While Amoré took to loving the sport at seven, her elder sister caught on a little later at 10.

“She loved it from the age of six but was afraid to play and not make the team,” said their mother Zenobia Duvenage.

The learners, who attend Laerskool Christiaan Beyers, have been chosen to attend a netball camp which will present an opportunity to grow in the sport. Their mother speaks about the challenges of being a parent with two athletes.

“We support them every chance we get even when it’s difficult when you work a full-time job. Some days it’s hard especially when they have to play more than two matches.”

She still beams with pride when she talks about her daughters.

Amoré Coulter (8) has a passion for playing netball.

“We encourage them all the time to follow their dreams and do what they love. We are extremely proud of them for always giving their best even when they don’t always want to and life gets hard.”

Zenuschka, who wants to be a lawyer one day, plays both goal defence and goalkeeper.

“She loves swimming and playing games like Roblox and Fortnite.”

Her sister Amoré, who plays wing attack and wing defence, wants to become a chef.

Zenuschka Pretorius (11) is passionate about her favourite sport and academics.

“She wants to own her own bakery or coffee shop when she grows up.”

The family was struck with a spate of bad luck over the festive season, which will make it harder for the girls to attend the camp.

“Our vehicle was stolen putting a lot of financial strain on us.”

The parents are stuck trying to raise the much-needed funds so that the girls can attend the camp. A back-a-buddy account has been opened where donations are gladly accepted for the girls.

“For anyone needing more information, I can be reached on WhatsApp on 064 648 4330 or on email zenobia.duvenage@gmail.com.”

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