
Law takes a back seat

DVD: Lawless Reviewed by: Natasha Kotze Review made possible by: Ster-Kinekor Rating: 6/10

Franklin County, Virginia, during the Prohibition years saw many bootleggers taking many chances to make a quick buck.

But when a new deputy and other authorities want to cut into their profits, the

Bondurant bootlegging gang has to make a stand or lose everything they have worked so hard for.

In the midst of breaking the law and defending what is theirs, the Bondurant brothers Forrest and Howard also have to deal with falling in love, while Jack has to quickly grow up.

The film has a good story which is told to great effect by great performances by Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf, Guy Pearce, Gary Oldman, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska.

There are two things that lower my rating for this film.

The first is the violence – there are some that scenes could have been cut back on. If you are a bit squeamish, you might not like this film.

My other problem with the film is that the film turns criminals into heroes.

Although I understand what the people living in the years following the Depression had to go through, it still doesn’t make me condone criminal activity. These guys aren’t exactly stealing from the rich to give to the poor!

If you like violent stories that turn the moral table around, then this is perfect for you. If not, rather watch something like Moonrise Kingdom.

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