
Second Howey just as good

Book review by Natasha Kotze.

Shift by Hugh Howey is the second book published by Howey, who gained fame with his self-published work Wool.

Shift, which is a volume of three smaller books, covers the periods before the events in the first novel and explains it well.

The book jumps around between different times and only the chapter headlines tell you when it is taking place.

It was initially confusing and I had to turn back to the beginning of each chapter to check the year.

It also takes a while to really get to grip with the characters.

A lot of the back story that I would have liked, pertaining to problems in a certain silo, was glossed over while others were in greater detail.

But all-in-all, it is an intriguing read.

This series already has the beginnings of a cult following and I can see it will grow over time.

If you are new to the series, you might like to read Shift first, before getting into Wool.

But that is up to you.


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