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ANC retains majority of votes in Emalahleni

According to the IEC, the national voter turnout stood at 58.58 per cent for these elections, an impressive reflection of a people's democracy.

The wait is over.

The political landscape in eMalahleni has changed.

The final election results for  Emalahleni were announced and based on the Provincial Ballot, they are as follows:

The ANC won the election in eMalahleni with 39.4%.

The opposition party, the DA came in with 19.2% of the support.

The uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) managed to pass the EFF and took 18.5% of the votes and the EFF settled in fourth place with 16.3%.

The VF+ got 2.1% of the votes.

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Zita Goldswain

News Editor at the Witbank News Caxton stable. Witbank News has been my ‘home’ for the past 24 years. Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling the space true words said by Rebecca West. I meet challenges, get the better of them and fill space with true words.
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