Pow! Err
So I have been thinking about alternate forms of energy for powering a small homestead and something that is lighter on the pocket than a diesel guzzling generator.

I pride myself on original thinking so here are some of my suggestions.
A Dr Frankenstein like laboratory that can harness the power of a lightning storm to either power an entire city or to reanimate a stitched together hulking abomination while laughing maniacally, or both depending on the weather.
Another idea was to collect potential energy formed from irritation and frustration. This is a Catch 22 system because the collective ‘this is the last straw’ feelings being generated daily by eMalahleni residents are certainly enough to power our fair city abundantly.
However if the power never goes off, then there would be no reason to be frustrated which means the power will eventually go off.
Maybe installing kinetic energy collectors in the potholes all over the city would solve the problem.
When someone drives into a pothole and bends their rim, then it generates electricity. That idea gives me another idea.
If I was a scientist of the chemical variety I could create a combustible fuel from the sewerage leaks all over town to fuel our generators. That would be hitting two birds with one stone as they say. My last and most fun idea involves an electricity producing punching bag.
You can punch and kick out all your maddening frustration and boil the kettle at the same time. A very convenient solution the next time load shedding lasts three hours longer than it is supposed to.