
Five steps to develop a personal brand for young people, to help them stand out in the job market

Studies show that 90% of people trust recommendations from others

Jonathan Biakoussala writes:

Soon the matriculates from Class 2020 will be finishing their final exams, so will go to a University when they are finished or others will go out and start looking for work.

Here are five tips to brand yourself.

Job seeking can be overwhelming.

While long-term career decisions take careful consideration, personal branding can be considered a strategic move.

Personal branding is what a person is known for in the professional space, how people view them, and the value they bring to others.

It is the practice of marketing yourself, your talent(s), and your career as a brand.

“Branding yourself is an essential part of a successful career path. It sets you apart from other candidates by anchoring your skillset and experience around a story; thereby creating your unique value proposition,” says the CEO and co-founder of Lulaway, Jake Willis.

Although it may sound difficult at first, creating a personal brand is not as complex as it sounds. Here are five easy steps to develop a personal brand.

Know who you are:

Knowledge of self is paramount.

As such, Willis recommends a dual approach: introspection and feedback.

“List the things you like about your work or the qualification you are pursuing. What is the problem you want to solve? Once you have identified those ask your peers or mentor, how would they describe you; and what makes you stand out? The answers to these questions are a good indicator of who you are,” he explained.


What you want to be known for:

A brand is a roadmap to where one would like to be in their industry; not where they are now.

“Another way to look at a brand, it is a promise you make, and your skills are the tools that will help you keep that promise. If you cannot tell what skills are the most in-demand in your industry, you may search for job descriptions online—LinkedIN is a good place to start,” he further explained.


Follow the experts:

“When building your brand, your goal is to stand out—yet you cannot rise to the top without knowing who’s already there,” Willis said.

Therefore, he urged young people to research their desired industry and follow the experts: find out if they have blogs, or where they contribute their thinking.

Grow your online presence:

In this digital age, growing an online presence should be the most important step to consider, as it is your digital manifestation on the online space.

Hence job-seekers must ensure that their online presence is appealing to both hiring managers and peers.

Ask for recommendations:

Studies show that 90% of people trust recommendations from others.

“Ask for recommendations; let others communicate your value,” Willis encouraged the youth, before adding, “It is a simple, yet efficient way to showcase yourself without saying a word.”


A brand is not limited to an online presence; it is also the way one carries themselves.

Building a memorable brand is an ongoing endeavour and demands consistency.

Therefore, keeping up with trends is just as important as all the steps above.

In addition to trends, Willis also advised young job-seekers to keep their profiles up-to-date, stay in touch with their contacts, and build and maintain their networks.


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