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Zululanders join global nature challenge

Join the iNaturalist community in the 2024 City Nature Challenge

The annual City Nature Challenge is about to get under way and Zululanders have this year registered their region to participate.

All across the world, nature lovers will set about recording observations in the city in which they live as they participate in City Nature Challenge (CNC) 2024 from 26 – 29 April.

The aim of CNC is to showcase the biodiversity in your city/region.

Initiated in 2016 as a competition between the community science staff at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the California Academy of Sciences in the USA, CNC has grown into an international event, motivating people around the world to find and document wildlife in their cities of residence.



This year, 37 southern African cities from eight countries will be participating, and the Zululand region is one.

This year’s challenge will see more cities than ever before participating, and the organisers expect to surpass CNC 2023 in terms of number of observations made, species recorded and observers participating.

How to participate

• Search for and download the iNaturalist app and create an account
• Take photos of wild plants and animals (not your pets or your pot plants)
• Upload your observations to share with the iNaturalist community
• Learn more as your finds are identified

Click here for more information: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2024-zululand


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