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WATCH: Long Durnford Road wait almost over

Empangeni motorists can breathe a sigh of relief as the Durnford Road bridge is set to reopen following several delays

THE light at the end of the Durnford Road tunnel is shining brightly this Friday afternoon as the road looks set to reopen by Monday at the latest.

The Zululand Observer was on site today as the contractors were laying the final touches.

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Local motorsport enthusiast and Empangeni Rail business owner Zahid Hassim was also there to wave the checkered flag as the months-long reconstruction comes to an end.

Empangeni residents and motorists have been waiting in anticipation as the Durnford bridge reopening date has been pushed back several times.

Workers have cited inclement weather conditions among the reasons for the delay.

The road was closed in early December after the affected section collapsed – the second such collapse in as many months following the initial collapse on Christmas Eve 2021.



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