Perspective on child promiscuity
REGARDING the letter of week in the ZO of 11 August – ‘Condom policy loses plot’. Although I can sympathise with ‘Concerned Parent’s’ distress on the subject of child sexual promiscuity, I would like to propose a secular viewpoint on the subject. Victorian England had a similar problem although church attendance was de rigueur during …
REGARDING the letter of week in the ZO of 11 August – ‘Condom policy loses plot’.
Although I can sympathise with ‘Concerned Parent’s’ distress on the subject of child sexual promiscuity, I would like to propose a secular viewpoint on the subject.
Victorian England had a similar problem although church attendance was de rigueur during this period.
Children should be brought up to behave responsibly. When I wanted to marry at a relatively young age, I was asked, ‘can you support a wife’ and when we wanted a child ‘can you support it’ – this meant us, without any help from relatives or the State!
Unfortunately, badly brought up children will tend to be promiscuous with or without condoms and unwanted pregnancies and disease will add to our economic woes. Plus, the big picture is bleak for mankind and the ecology, mainly owing to human overpopulation.
Having read the Bible, I’m puzzled by ‘Concerned Parent’s’ idea of God’s plan – ‘Sexual abstention until marriage and one partner for life’.
One of God’s favourite people, King David, appears to have been a mass murderer who seems to have encouraged rape and the killing of children. Not satisfied with having even more wives. than some of our current political leaders, he had yet even more concubines (sex slaves?) and still not satisfied. he coveted the wife of his loyal servant, Uriah, the Hittite, taking her to his royal chambers, impregnating her (adultery) and sent her beloved husband to his death (another murder) – not a good role model at all!
Another ‘role model’, who needs a possible reassessment, is Mother Teresa who was fiercely opposed to any form of family planning, contraception or abortion, yet daily witnessed the terrible results of this policy – babies and children dying of neglect, disease and malnutrition in the gutters of Calcutta.