Spring Day celebrated at Rietvlei Zoo Farm
Stop waiting for the person you want to be, be that person," Debbie advised the guests.

JOBURG SOUTH: Spring Day and Secretaries Day were celebrated at Rietvlei Zoo Farm with Woman@Work hosting a lunch with guest speaker, Debbie de Jager, who is a certified John Maxwell, coach, trainer and speaker. Debbie spoke on the theme, Dare To Grow, with 15 invaluable laws of growth.
“Growth doesn’t just happen we have to make it happen. Stop waiting for the person you want to be, be that person,” Debbie advised the guests.
“People are afraid of making mistakes, but rather do something and make a mistake than do nothing at all. Think about what you would do if you knew you wouldn’t fail and just do it!
“You need to be motivated and remember there will always be competition and always struggle. If you feel you aren’t as good as others, don’t give up. Compete against yourself, we’re all winners,” said Debbie.
“Success is never convenient, neither is failure but remember success is worth it, failure is not!” she concluded. Margie Kostalac, Gauteng Regional Project coordinator for Santa’s Shoebox, also spoke about the project and how much it has grown.Toni Mackrell thanked the guest speakers and guests for attending the lunch, which was enjoyed by all.