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Emperors Palace goes further green

Palace of Dreams builds onsite Boreholes and Water Reservoir to reduce impact on environment and local municipal services.

In the hospitality industry going green and embracing sustainability are vital for environmental preservation, resource conservation, and long-term economic viability.

It has become a corporate responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts in combating climate change, ensuring a healthier planet for current and future generations.

Printers Mathabana works on Emperors Palace’s recycling efforts which divert substantial amounts from landfills each year. It contributes to the resort and casino considerably reducing its CO2 emissions. Photograph by Yolanda van der Stoep.

Peermont’s flagship brand, Emperors Palace, has been at the forefront in recent years, putting environmental practices in place to diminish their impact on the environment as well as to assist with taking strain off local municipalities.

The latest project was the ambitious construction of a water reservoir on complex complete with 13 boreholes.

Emperors Palace crew members, Reneilwe Manyama and Johanna Maatshetle Thembisa at the industrial composter which is part of the Palace of Dreams’ recycling program currently achieving a 60% waste diversion rate. (Photograph by Yolanda van der Stoep)

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