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Creative Academy Preparatory launches new campus

“Coordinating the merger of the two buildings, and adapting to all the changes that keep coming all while our children are still learning and enjoying their school journey is nothing short of a miracle.”

Creative Academy Preparatory held an official roof-wetting ceremony for their new preparatory campus on April 19.

Existing parents, family members and students attended the gathering and they all shared the excitement of the occasion.

Creative Academy Preparatory will have 14 well-sized classrooms for grades one to seven in 2025 and the school is looking forward to their students’ future development in this beautiful facility.

“Thank you to all of our parents and all of you here for believing in us. For the ones who have stuck by us amid Covid when we opened with 34 learners on a rotational basis,” said Jenna Axsel, director of Creative Academy Preparatory.

Creative Academy Preparatory director Jenna Axsel and Dirk Mostert cutting the ribbon at the roof-wetting ceremony.

According to Jenna, the school now boasts 129 children and is growing steadily.

Dirk Mostert of Green Hat Projects was credited with leading the construction crew that worked on this project.
According to Jenna, Dirk and his crew did an excellent job of coordinating construction work around the school’s operations, paying close attention to detail.

“You have shown us time after time that you’re a successful person and everything you do, you do it heartfully. You have big dreams for our children. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your team and for sharing your success with us,” said Simoné Goosen, principal at Creative Academy Preparatory.

Jenna expressed her heartfelt gratitude to principal Simoné and her dedicated staff, as well as the students, for ensuring that everything was ready for the start of term two.

“I am eternally grateful for the phenomenal team behind me who assisted in putting all the pieces of this puzzle together,” said Jenna.

Creative Academy Preparatory learners and parents.

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