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Office decorating trends

Chic and bright touches bring life to dull spaces, encouraging productivity and allowing creative juices to flow in the workspace.

In a bid to transform our lives and adapt to the societal shifts caused by COVID-19, many of us have begun working from home. The importance of having a home office that speaks to your individual taste and needs has definitely been put at the forefront. But even if you still travel to work and are perhaps looking for ways to make your office more stylish, have a look at the following office decorating trends for 2020 and 2021:

1. Floor lamps will (probably) never go out of style

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Floor lamps serve both a functional and decorative purpose. They have evolved over the years, going from the standard bulky look to a more modern and chic one. Having a floor lamp in your office will not only help with creating extra lighting when necessary, but it can elevate your office’s aesthetic as well.

Choose a contemporary floor lamp that arcs, an LED floor lamp that is shaped in the form of a twist or a floor lamp made of wood. There are tons of choices to choose from.

2. Encourage physical activity with a standing desk

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A standing desk, just as the name describes, is a desk that is used while standing. This type of desk can encourage workers to interact more (with caution, of course, seeing that we’re still in the middle of a pandemic) as well as be more physical. Workers can be motivated to take frequent walks every hour, instead of just sitting at their desks, which can have an adverse effect on health. Standing desks work the best in shared, open-plan office spaces.

3. Add some bright colours to your office to beat the Monday Blues

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Monday Blues? Chromatherapy or color therapy is scientifically proven to impact people’s moods. Be sure to add bright or calming colours to your office decor to lift your mood on a daily basis and say goodbye to the Monday Blues forever.

4. Get rid of your plain and boring desk chair and opt for a stylish one instead

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Still sitting on the standard black office chair? Say goodbye to the old fashioned office chair and say hello to a more modern office chair. Opt for a bright colour or choose a patterned chair that matches your office decor.

5. The longer the desk, the better

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Small desks can be uncomfortable to work on, especially if the nature of your work requires as much space as possible. Ditch your old desk and choose a longer one instead. It’ll give you plenty of space to work and store your office-related items.

6. Nature makes everything better

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Being surrounded by plants is scientifically proven to boost your mood as well as improve your ability to stay focused. Who wouldn’t want that in an office? Make sure you get a few potted plants for your workspace to elevate the energy. Feng shui, the Chinese practice that believes that how you arrange your space affects you on an energetic level, states that plants release positive chi (energy) and are therefore essential to have in the spaces you occupy.

There’s no need to have the word office be synonymous with boring, dull and drab. By implementing the above decor trends, you can certainly change the feel of your office and make it more exciting to work in.

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