
Alex schoolgirls exposed to engineering opportunities

ALEXANDRA – Realogile girls get exposure to engineering careers at GIBB.


South Africa has a major shortage of young women entering the engineering field.

With August commemorated as Madiba month, the GIBB Engineering consulting firm took a step to dent this challenge. It showcased its commitment to developing a pipeline of female talent in the engineering industry by hosting two schoolchildren, Mmakobeane Mogano and Koketso Nkokwane from Realogile Secondary School through its TechnoGirl programme.

In a statement, the institute said they mentored the youngsters to help them make informed career choices and also gave them an overview of opportunities within the engineering industry.

The programme also fulfills a partnership with Unicef South Africa and the National Department of Education on supporting secondary schoolgirls between the ages of 15 to 18 from disadvantaged communities who are doing well academically. It has helped more than 5 000 young women to receive university or college education and to access mentorship programmes which guide them on how to make informed career choices, with an emphasis on science, technology and engineering.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

Read: Motshekga launches schools health initiative

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