The local traditional healers association known as Buyisa Traditional Healers Association said it would rally support for its member Sbongile Fredericks.
Fredericks (29) suffered burn wounds after her mother allegedly poured boiling water on her legs on 19 September.
Her 63-year-old mother Mavis Mlalandle briefly appeared in the Alexandra Regional Magistrates’ Court on 10 October for assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm where the matter was postponed to 24 October. The magistrate said the court had not received the police docket on the matter.
Speaking to Alex News outside the court, the association’s spokesperson Buyisiwe Dube said, “It was very disappointing to hear that the matter is postponed once again. What concerns us the most is the fact that both the accused and the complainant on the matter live in the same house and if the matter is being dragged [on] like this, we don’t how that will contribute to the existing tensions between the two. We would have loved to see the matter being resolved speedily to avoid the unknown.”
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