The implementation of the Phase 1C will have a positive effect on Orange Grove and the opportunities this presents for business upgrades and the development of legal accommodation establishments is enormous.
I was privileged to be invited to a presentation by the MMC of Transport Christine Walters for the Phase 1C of the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit system that will impact positively on Orange Grove.
The implementation of the Phase 1C will have a positive effect on Orange Grove and the opportunities this presents for business upgrades and the development of legal accommodation establishments is enormous. I believe the surveyors are already on our streets.
Orange Grove has many heritage buildings that will be part of an audit being done by the Orange Grove association.
At present, two sites have been identified as possible Bus Rapid Transit development sites.
There exists an exciting array of development potential plus the vital job creation component.
There will be ample public participation opportunity for all our residents and business owners. One of the keystones of Walters philosophy is community participation in all facets of her process.
The possibility of a viable City Improvement District will be promoted starting from Osborne to Louis roads.
Previously, the deteriorating world economic situation plus the migration of a more diverse cultural demographic into Orange Grove militated against the further promotion of an improvement district.
The property owner landscape has evolved and we will need to begin again with the dynamics of the district. The database and the immense work that went into the initial phase will not be lost, but updated for our changing urban development.