My son is currently in Grade Seven at Rynfield Primary, and he has come up with an idea to fill all the tummies that come to school (and quite often go to bed) hungry.
Seeing all the uneaten sandwiches, pieces of fruit etc., that are thrown in the dustbins after school is heartbreaking.
Keyan’s suggestion was that every parent (those who are able to), make just one extra sandwich every day.
This food, as well as all the lunches the children know they will not eat, must be placed in a crate in the office.
Children can be very cruel by nature, and that is why the food will be in the office.
No child must feel embarrassed or humiliated because they are hungry and want a sandwich.
At the end of the day, children are welcome to go and fetch whatever food is left over, and take it home.
I do not know how practical this scheme will be, but Keyan thinks it is worth a shot.
He even has a name for his project: “A sarmie for a buddy”.