Rotary Anns distribute knitted items
Durban Berea Rotary Anns have a knitting project that is doing sterling work.

THE Durban Berea Rotary Anns have been knitting for charity for more than 50 years.
The knitting project took off in 2003 when an exchange student from Waikerie, Australia, Kristi Griffiths, was in Durban. Kristi accompanied the Anns and a couple of Rotarians on visits to the cancer wards and orphanages for Aids babies. The group took along their knitting – beanies for CHOC, Thembisa, Lily Of The Valley, Edith Benson Home, Polio Campaign, The Alm Foundation in Bulwer and numerous other places.
In 2004 Kristi returned to Durban carrying her luggage which consisted of 150 fluffy and knitted toys and a large bag of clothing. Rotarians and Anns visited the children and grannies at Thembisa who were delighted to receive the clothes. The toys were distributed at he Edith Benson home and CHOC.
On Kristi’s return to Australia she motivated the Probus women to get knitting and it wasn’t long before parcels of knitted items started arriving. When Kristi started university, Rotarian George Kratopoulos from the Waikerie Rotary Club, took over the project, and sent the knitting over.
The Waikerie Rotarians ended the project in 2007 and The Durban Berea Rotary Anns thought that might be the end of the beanies, but the Lions stepped in and Ray Duffield is now responsible for getting the large boxes of knitting to the club. To date more than 3000 beautifully knitted beanies have been received. Jerseys and bedsocks were included and also gratefully received. The Anns have been blessed to be able to distribute this knitting to the less fortunate in the community.
The annual bed socks and beanie donations have been allocated to Wylie House, Thembela and Thembishile Crèche, Shallcross crèche, Bobby Bear and Bulwer Community, Chatsworth crèche, the E-Club, Siloe Crèche and a donation to the Tanzania School programme.