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Crisis centre to open in Glenwood

A Glenwood counsellor is excited about the opening of a crisis centre.

LOCAL resident and counsellor, Heather Rorick, is looking forward to the opening of her crisis centre which opens in Glenwood soon.

The Glenwood Crisis Centre will be based at 171 Bulwer Road, and will initially open from 9am to 3pm, with Heather on call after hours to help in any crisis situation.

The centre’s board of trustees has been finalised and Heather is excited to have some big names on board, including Joan van Nieker from Childline.

“I will be working with Joan to encourage students to come through to help in the centre. We will also work hand-in-hand with LifeLine and other NGOs. I will work with Durban Child Welfare, the district surgeon from Addington Hospital, members of the magistrate’s court, security companies, Joey du Plessis from Careline and Carol van Tonder from the Umhlanga/Durban North Crisis Team. The centre will also be linked with shelters in Durban and I am open to work with any other interested parties,” said Heather.

Heather said she would go out to any victims if they could not get to the centre and would accompany them to court or hospital should they need medical assistance. She also aims to roll out projects and awareness campaigns in the future.

“I will be incorporating the Bulwer Safety Forum which works with crime in the area, and a lot of previous victims I have counselled have come forward to help as volunteers as they say this centre is needed in the community,” she said.

Heather has lived in the community for 30 years and has been actively involved in community work for most of this time. She has served on CPFs and volunteered at the Umbilo Victim Support Centre for two years. She is a qualified LifeLine counsellor and does various courses with Childline to update her knowledge on the relevant laws. She is also a member of the Human Trafficking Task Team.

“I started up and ran a safe house at Flamingo Court for more than six years, working with Child Welfare and Childline and ran a holiday programme for underpriviledged children. I have a passion for working with the less fortunate. No one will be turned away from the centre,” she said.

Heather and Louise Stehouwer from the Bulwer Safety Forum were also involved in packing rape kits for Rotary and hope to continue with this project. The women from Knit and Natter at Musgrave Library who knit toys for children in crisis situations will also work with the new crisis centre.

“I’m sure we will make this centre a success and I urge anyone who can help with donations to set up the centre, or who want to become involved as a volunteer to come forward,” said Heather.

Contact Heather on 074 203 2792.

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