Calling all writers: sign up for a chance to pitch to Netflix
The traineeship is hosted by the Realness Institute, in partnership with Netflix.
LOCAL writers will have a chance to pitch their stories to Netflix as submissions open for the 2022 Episodic Lab and Development Executive Traineeship (DET), set to take place online from May 1 to July 31 next year.
Submissions opened on Monday, November 22 and will close on January 14.
The traineeship is hosted by the Realness Institute, a non-profit-organisation that empowers Africans to tell their stories from an African point of view.
“What we have witnessed from the first lab and traineeship is that there is a deep desire for Africans to create their own narratives. This bodes well for a growing audience based in Africa, and abroad,” said the director of development and partnerships at the Realness Institute, Mehret Mandefro.
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The Episodic Lab is a development programme that gives screenwriters from South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria an opportunity to develop their original story ideas, in any genre.
The participants have the opportunity to pitch these stories to Netflix executives at the end of the programme.
“We are delighted to continue our partnership with the Realness Institute for the 2022 edition of the Episodic Lab and Development Executive Traineeship (DET). The development, nurturing and support of talent pipelines gives new voices a chance to be heard,” said the Netflix manager for Grow Creative Africa, Allison Triegaardt.
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The DET, which is open to applicants from across Africa, is aimed at mid-career industry professionals who are looking to enhance their skills. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the story development process. Each of the 12 participants will receive a monthly stipend of $2 000 during the incubation period.
Email for more information, or visit the website to submit a story:
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