Matric Class of 2024: Local schools in jubilation over results
THE class of 2024 achievers from different local schools were oozing jubilation as they collected their results today. One common thread amongst them was that 2024 was a very challenging year regarding workload and balancing academics with their extracurricular offerings.

LOCAL schools have every reason to celebrate! The matric class of 2024 has done wonders and all the glory goes to the hard work and consistency of both former learners and teachers.
They shared their secret to success amidst pressure and expectations laid on their shoulders.
St Henry’s Marist College bagged a 100% pass rate, boasting a colourful school top 10. The school principal, Stephen Leech, attributed the success to the school’s growth in the past year. “We have seen an impressive growth in terms of enrolment since 2021. Our school resources were also bolstered, with the addition of classes, CAT lab, revamped IT rooms, and EGD classes. The dedication and hard work of our staff is immeasurable,” he beamed.

Second-place top achiever, Lutho Ngaleka, prides himself on the seven distinctions he received. “Although 2024 was challenging, my secret to success was simple: discipline, planning, focus and understanding one’s unique strength,” he said. Ngaleka sets his eyes on the University of Cape Town where he will enrol to study medicine.
On top of the list is Jack Binder with an aggregate of 89.63% and eight subject distinctions; Jiya Singh was in third place overall with seven subject distinctions. Other top 10 achievers were: Aaron Chetty (former prefect), Prisha Naidoo, Ntandoyenkosi Shezi, Brooklyn van Voorst (2024 head girl), Kate Andersson, Kamalika Moodley and Taryn Naidoo.

“It is very important to take a break and isolate oneself, to separate your energy from everything around you. This yields solid results in one’s school work”, added former prefect, Aaron Chetty. He is the highest scorer with 97% in maths and hopes to further his studies at the University of Pretoria, pursuing actuarial science.
At Durban Girls College, the 2024 class attributes their sterling performance to consistency and staying on top of one’s game. The school maintained its 100% pass rate with 99% bachelor’s degree pass and 233 distinctions.
On top of the achievers’ list is Jia Patel who is the IEB Outstanding Achiever recipient. Meeka Maharaj and Khanya Mkhwanazi came in second and third place respectively. “Effective planning and keeping a schedule are the key. Support of teachers and family is imperative,” said Maharaj. Mkhwanazi concurs, adding that although the workload seemed unbearable, diligence and commitment yielded the fruits.
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Orient Islamic School is no stranger to a 100% pass rate, with an average of 81% median. The school’s focus on home-school balance is the main driver of its success. “We pride ourselves in the partnerships we have forged with parents and this has contributed positively. We made an extra effort, including online classes, regular meetings, extra tuition and subject mapping. Our school has also shown upward contribution in extra-curricular, holistic approach,” said Haroon Bobat, the accounting teacher who has been with the school for the past 18 years.
Former head boy, Suhail Subhrathie, is happy with his achievement of four As and three Bs. He hopes to pursue mechanical engineering. “Last year was very challenging academically and personally but I persevered. I placed my hopes on previous years’ exam papers and multi-tasking skills and it all paid off. To 2025 matrics, I strongly believe that patience and consistency will get you through,” he shared. Although Shubrati will be embarking on an independent nerve-racking journey in UCT, he is equally excited. He reckons he will be armed with all the teachings that the school and his family has transferred to him.

The class of 2024 hopes for a bright 2025 as they embark on new terrain. Tertiary education awaits them, and they are armed with all the tools and insight from the past 12 years.
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