
ANC is in shambles

Save Our Berea questions whether the ANC has the constitution of South Africa in mind as infighting continues within its ranks.


Developments within the ANC in this province are worrying to say the least. All attempts to hold a conference for the eThekwini region have failed. When it was held, the result was nullified amid accusations of vote rigging. eThekwini mayor, James Nxumalo defeated his rival, fellow councillor, Gumede. Then an attempt to hold it again in May this year was scuppered by what was alleged to be Gumede’s supporters, who would not allow Nxumalo supporters into the hall. This meeting is to be held again on Sunday amid threats of disruption.

Then in the ANC Provincial Conference a new KwaZulu Natal leader, Sihle Zikalala is elected. Then at the 30th Anniversary bash held by ANC alliance partner, Cosatu, delegates boo their new KZN leader. Also on two occasions, the supporters of losing candidate, Premier Senzo Mchunu, have marched to ANC headquarters to call for the vote to be over-turned and held again.

Now there are two simple questions? Was this provincial vote rigged? If not, why are there people protesting the result that they won’t accept, even though we operate in what is meant to be a constitutional democratic society? Whatever the answer, it is a worrying state of affairs.

While all this is happening, service delivery is in a shambles in eThekwini and protests take place weekly. And yet these self-same representatives vote to spend R14 million rand of our rates money to advertise how good they are. It beggars belief. Once again, while the ANC’s so called leaders fight to see who will have control of the feeding trough, the ratepayers and citizens of this city are relegated down the pecking order even though we provide the funding for these excesses.

We must assume that the ANC is undemocratic and cares not a jot about the constitution. Is this really the same party that fought and won those elections back in 1994? Are regional and national leaders like President Zuma, Nxumalo, Gumede, Zikalala, Mchunu, Mantashe, Gordhan and Logie Naidoo not even embarrassed by these shenanigans?

Kevin Dunkley
Cheryl Johnson

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