
WATCH: Lilianton sewage left to flow freely for more than five years now

Residents accused the metro of failure to repair the sewer system which has been persistently poisoning the area as far back as 2020.

There seems to be no answer to a sewage spill on Solomon Road in Lilianton (Witfield).

Raw sewage from a broken manhole continues to poison the environment, including local water resources, while the metro drags its feet in addressing the long-standing problem.

As part of the Boksburg Advertiser’s weekly Suburb Watch feature, focused on Witfield, we reported on the never-ending illegal dumping and the rivers of sewage flowing down streets and threatening the health of workers at a nearby factory, and the community at large.
When the Advertiser revisited the area last week, it found that sewage from the manhole is still flowing freely into a stormwater drain.

It was also discovered that someone, probably municipal workers, had come to remove the solid rubbish but resorted to digging two narrow channels for the sewage from the damaged drain and water seeping from an underground pipe to be directed into the nearby stormwater drain.

A senior staff member at a factory adjacent to the sewage-infested area, who asked not to be identified, said they have given up hope of ever getting authorities to stop the persisting sewage and water leak from the fractured infrastructure because it does no good to complain.
She pointed out that this is a long-standing problem (over five years) they have reported many times, but no action has been taken.

To make matters worse, motorists are now forced to contend with the road defects hidden by pools of wastewater.
Vehicles driving along the stretch of road were seen slowing down and driving into oncoming traffic to avoid the stinky waste and potholes, believed to have been caused by leaking pipes.
The Advertiser has reached out to the metro for comment, but no response was received at the time of compiling this report.

Untreated sewage has been flowing from the damaged drain for weeks now.
While the illegally dumped waste and rubble have been removed, clean drinking water continues to seep from the underground water pipes.
This is the source of the sewage discharge on Solomon Road, in Lilianton.
Disgusting: This is the never-ending sewage discharge in Solomon Road.
The sewage continues to poison the area, but at least the illegally dumped waste and rubble have been removed from the roadside.

Also Read: Watch: Gallons of sewage spill into road, wetland


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