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House robbers strike in Blyvoor

Blyvooruitzicht continues to be a hotspot for serious crime.

Blyvooruitzicht was the scene of another house robbery last week.
The latest incident occurred at midnight on April 9.

The victim (39) and her husband were in their room on 6th Avenue when six men stormed in at around 22:00. All the thugs wore balaclavas and pointed a firearm at them. They then grabbed the man and tied him up with shoelaces.

“We have information that there is money in this house,” the thugs told the couple.

When the wife denied that there was, the robbers ransacked the house. They took their time searching and threatened several times to shoot the woman.

The thugs fled with jewellery, clothes, a Hisense television, and cell phones, among other things.

When the wife later untied her husband, she saw the thugs had hit him on the head with a firearm.

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