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Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo leads the charge to provide clean air for citizens

The Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo reiterated its commitment to delivering clean air for the people of Johannesburg through its tree-planting activities.

The world marked the fifth annual International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on September 7 under the theme Invest in Clean Air Now, calling for investment in clean air solutions because air pollution causes increasing public health and environmental and economic harms.

The Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) leads this initiative, which understands how important trees are for cleaning the air. Trees contribute significantly to creating a green refuge for locals by absorbing harmful gasses like carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.

Throughout Arbor Month, the JCPZ is planting trees across the city and giving fruit plants to local communities.
The JCPZ urges locals to plant trees on their own, using native species and adhering to the basic rules to guarantee their survival.

Additionally, the JCPZ advises people that taking down healthy street trees is against the law and could result in hefty fines.

Although there are more than 3.2m trees in Johannesburg, making it the largest artificial forest in the world, there are still concerns about the continued unlawful tree-cutting.

The JCPZ asks people to notify it of any dead or diseased trees.

“By working together, we can ensure the air we breathe is clean and create a healthier environment for future generations,” said Noeleen Mattera of the JCPZ.

How you can start planting your tree today:

• Plant only indigenous trees.

• First, prepare a hole. Measure and dig down (height) a hole the size of a spade plate. Measure the same size for the hole’s width.

• Fill the hole with water until it is muddy and wet.

• Remove the tree from the plastic bag or container.

• Gently tease the roots to avoid damage or breakage. Never pull the tree by the trunk.

• Place the tree in the hole.

• Fill the hole with soil.

• Insert a stake and firmly press the soil.

• Make a basin with the soil to capture the water and prevent it from running off.

• Now water your tree and watch it grow.

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