
A big thanks to Bernard

An Elspark resident is pleased with the service he received from a metro employee.

J Lombard, Elspark, writes:

I would just like to ask Ekurhuleni what the call taking centre is actually for.

I have been reporting a street light problem since April 9.

The lights in Elspark Extension One have been out for three months, from Kingfisher Avenue up towards Maroela Street.

At last I came across the number of a brilliant, capable person by the name of Bernard Mbedzi.

Just two minutes after I SMSed him I got a reply; this was on June 6.

That same day Mr Mbedzi was at my house.

He had never, ever got any message whatsoever regarding these street lights from the call taking centre.

He came back about an hour later, stating that he had found the problem: a cable was damaged on the corner of Heidelberg Road and Kingfisher Avenue.

The problem was rectified and we now have street lights.

Thank you Mr Mbedzi for the way you kept in touch and for seeing to the problem so quickly.

Ekurhuleni needs more people like you, and maybe Germiston would become a better place.

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