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Police divers search hours in muddy swamp for elderly that went missing

NIGEL - Police divers have searched the pan in MacKenzieville for hours to try and locate the body of a 65 year old mentally challenged man who according to his daughter, went missing during the early hours of the morning on October 20.

On October 24 police spokesperson Sgt Nellie Dwaba confirmed that Mandla Sishange was found alive and well, two days after his disappearance. It is not clear where he may have been, but he is safely back with his family.

Bystanders gathered at the pan in MacKenzieville, where police divers searched for the body of Mandla Sishange (65), who was later found alive and unharmed by the police.
Bystanders gathered at the pan in MacKenzieville, where police divers searched for the body of Mandla Sishange (65), who was later found alive and unharmed by the police.



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