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Artist holds successful exhibition

Local artist Laice Mathebula hosted the art exhibition and hopes his art will connect people.

Local artist Laice Mathebula (30) and the Debut Alumni Accelerator Programme recently hosted an art exhibition in town called Allometry.

“I hosted the art exhibition primarily for two reasons,” Mathebula said.

“I am part of an art programme called the Debut Alumni Accelerator Programme, facilitated by Business and Arts South Africa and the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. I needed to create an event to showcase my artistry and how I can organise an event.”

Mathebula also hosted the event to honour his late father, Kumbi Amos Paulos Mathebula.

“My father has always been a pillar to me in terms of my art and how I can express myself through various mediums and forms,” he said.

The event was a huge success, according to Mathebula.

Laice Mathebula with one of his art pieces.

“Many of the guests who came connected with the artworks on spiritual and emotional levels,” he explained.

“Various topics like spirituality, diversity, culture, femininity, masculinity and several others were discussed to showcase how the art taps into those different spaces within different people from different backgrounds.”

Mathebula told HERAUT that he began sketching at 10 on the back of his school books.

He has been doing fine art exclusively for the past seven years.

“I am a very expressive person,” Mathebula explained.

“That is why I am a multi-disciplinary artist who dabbles in different art forms. I want to portray the different perspectives of how I see the world.”

Mathebula means that his philosophy is that “Shapes are emotions”.

“As you will see in my work, it is very expressive when it comes to the shapes and the colours I use to express the correlation between our daily lives and our human psyche,” he said.

“Art means a lot to me because I have been in a dark place in my life, and art has always been the one tool I can refer to to express how I feel.

Some of the art by Laice Mathebula.

“To be able to put down my emotions and also express situations that I am unable to put into words is beautiful, and art enhances my life and emotions and gives me a clear vision of where I am going even when things don’t seem to be going my way.”

Mathebula hopes his art helps to connect people and helps them understand the various degrees within different art forms and the collaboration between mediums.

“Art transcends into our innermost personal emotions and journeys,” Mathebula said.

“We may live in an age of technology, but art can still tap into spaces artificial intelligence cannot fathom. My message to the community is to never give up. There is a perfect time for everything, even when things seem not to be working out.

“Consistency is key in whatever you do. Be kind, be humble, take care of your mental health and be willing to learn from others.”

If you want to learn more about Mathebula’s art, call him on 069 753 5649.

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