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High early turnout at Ermelo Sport Inn voting station during national elections

Ermelo Sport Inn had the longest queue at around 08:45.

ERMELO – This morning, 29 May, residents across Ermelo eagerly made their way to their respective voting stations to participate in the national elections.

Highvelder visited several voting stations including Laerskool JJ van der Merwe, Ermelo Sport Inn, the fire brigade, Itafa Secondary School, Cassim Park, and the Msukaligwa Municipality to observe the voter turnout and the length of queues.

Ermelo Sport Inn had the longest queue at around 08:45.

Some residents reported that the voting process was smooth and efficient, crediting the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) officials for their diligent work in facilitating the process.

At Cassim Park, the scene was notably quieter, with only a short queue observed.

A life-sized cutout of Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes voters at the Ermelo Sport Inn. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

Despite the overall positive feedback, there was one reported incident involving a frustrated voter at the JJ van der Merwe voting station.

The individual, who had been residing in Ermelo for almost a year, was informed that he was still registered to vote in Breyten. He expressed his disappointment and indicated that he would likely not make the trip to Breyten to cast his vote.

Residents are encouraged to share their voting experiences, queue times, and even selfies with the Highvelder.

ALSO SEE: GALLERY – Ermelo residents queue to vote

Submissions can be made in the comment section on Facebook, via a private inbox message, or by emailing the editor at editor@highvelder.co.za.

Your contributions will help paint a comprehensive picture of the election day experience in Ermelo.

Highvelder will continue to provide updates and insights as more information is obtained.

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