Litterbugs make me a jitterbug
The weight of an empty take-away container or fish and chips wrapper is barely measurable, so why can't we hold on to it a while longer and find a useable refuse bin?

Driving back into town from the golf course late on most Saturday afternoons, I cannot help noticing the state of the CBD area along Kerk Street.
Yes folks, I find myself at the golf course most Saturdays although I don’t play golf myself. It’s my job that takes me there. I don’t even putt on the 19th hole.
Before I digress too far, let me get back to the state of the once clean and tidy Central Business District. On Saturday evenings it’s unsightly, filthy and littered with trash.
As I drive down into the town I find myself trying to catch the traffic lights on green so that I will not be forced to stop. Not entirely for fear of my 22-year-old jalopy cutting out and refusing to start, but to avoid being embarrassed by the possible sniggers and stares of motorists in the next lane.
I know it’s probably all in the head but I find myself wondering if the folks in the car next to me are from out of town and if they have noticed the plastic bags, bottles take away containers and paper littering the streets and pavements.
The impression visitors to our town get when seeing all the trash lying in the streets cannot be good and is a really bad advertisement for our town.
Late on Saturday evenings workers are deployed to clean up the streets but on Sunday afternoons the streets are once again littered with trash.
Do we not take pride in ourselves anymore or care for the environment we
live in? How is it that people can carelessly throw their trash on the pavements and in the streets and simply expect other people to clean it all up.
The excuse that the municipality does not provide enough refuse containers is feeble indeed.
The weight of an empty take away container or fish and chips wrapper is barely measurable, so why can’t we hold on to it a while longer and find a useable refuse bin?
Even taking our junk home to dispose of it there will not make us pull a muscle or break the car’s suspension.
This is our town. It is our resposibility to keep it clean.
Let us all swallow our pride and refrain from disposing of our trash on the streets.