
LETTER: MBCF’s meeting a big success in many respects

his governmental swamp needs to be urgently drained to enable a much needed atmosphere of hope and optimism to our people!

John Hopkins of Breyten writes:

Editor, I feel compelled to react to your article “Why treat gangsters like gentlemen?” and the one by your journalist, “Lieutenant colonel aims to make a difference“, as this is the perfect timing for both prints. Hats off to you!

I think Janice Conradie, the MBCF’s chairperson, should speak with Boitumelo Mokwena, whose opinions appear to be on the right track.

This, in my perspective, can only be good for the movement.

I genuinely believe that the MBCF’s meeting was a big success in many respects because of the engagement they had with people and their openness to hear their opinions too.

I believe that now is the perfect time for the MBCF’s advocate to enter the fray.

Additionally, a spring cleaning campaign should be organised and maintained in both towns and locations in conjunction with the development of a clear and simple strategy. Everyone should participate in this with a well-defined contingency plan in place.

This governmental swamp needs to be urgently drained to enable a much-needed atmosphere of hope and optimism for our people!

The saying is so true that “good men and women fail when they sit on their hands and do nothing!” United we win – divided we fall.

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