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Pooch campaign a barking success

Shoppers once again showed their support for the centre's Feed the Pooches campaign.

HILLCREST Corner hosted its third successful Feed The Pooches Campaign at the centre with the proceeds going to the Kloof & Highway SPCA.

Shoppers were encouraged from the 15 to 29 July, to donate pet food or money for the SPCA into the donation boxes situated outside the Checkers and Woolworths courts.

The Centre collected 50 bags of cat/ dog food, 62 tins of cat/ dog food, 8 sachets of pet food, 4 packets of pet treats, 1 blanket and R1 866.90.

All donations were handed over to the Kloof SPCA on 30 July.

Hillcrest Corner extended their thanks to everyone who was involved in making this a profitable campaign for the animals in need.

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