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Church opening a huge success

The new Hillcrest church has Sunday services from 10am as well as prayer meetings every Thursday from 7pm.

THE opening of the Durban Christian Centre (DCC) at the Oxford Village Centre in Hillcrest last Sunday was a huge success as it drew a near capacity crowd.

Pastor John Torrens, lead pastor of the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome preached at the opening sermon. The congregation was later treated to cake, muffins and coffee in celebration of the grand opening. The newly formed church is set to host another celebration ceremony once Dr Fred Roberts, founder of the Durban Christian Centres, returned from a trip.

The church will launch a four-week marriage seminar on Wednesday 5 November, which is free for all married and engaged couples. It will be held at the Oxford Village Centre venue. Pastor John Torrens and his wife, Pastor Joy Torrens, will host the course, which is entitled Marriage, God’s Way.

Sunday morning services begin at 10am in the basement of the Oxford Village Centre and a prayer meetings take place every Thursday from 7pm. Visitors welcome.

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