Hillcrest rugby players team up to help teen fight cancer
The Old School Villagers' XV will don pink jerseys during their game to show their support for cancer fighters.

THE Hillcrest Villagers’ Rugby Club and the Old School Villagers XV have chosen 16-year-old Alma Van Heerden as the beneficiary for its annual charity day on Saturday, 13 July at Kearsney College.Every year The Old School Villagers XV selects a family in need of financial assistance as a result of mounting medical bills, many of which are in arrears and result in the delay of the necessary treatment or medication.
In October last year, a few of the team’s players were matched up against the Toti Old Crocs in a touch rugby tournament in Eston. It was at this game they were made aware that one of the player’s children had been diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukaemia.
“We had the pleasure of sharing the field with Toti stalwart, Hannes van Heerden, for many a season during the past 15 years and were overwhelmed by the fighting spirit and tenacity that his daughter, Alma, exhibits, even when confronted with a situation that no teenage girl should ever have to deal with,” said the Hillcrest Villagers’ Rugby Club’s Brian Lewis.
Alma epitomises the warrior spirit the Old School Villagers’ team tries to emulate both on and off the field and they knew instantly she was the right choice for this year’s fund-raising initiative!
“It truly is incredible to see just how strong this dynamic, young lady is and we wish her everything of the best for her ongoing treatment and her journey towards making a full recovery,” said Brian.
Alma’s doting mom, Hannalize, said, “On 25 October our lives changed forever. Our daughter was diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukaemia. We thought we had things covered with a good medical aid, but recently we got the dreaded call from our medical aid that they will no longer be paying for her treatments.”
Alma has to complete another six months of treatment, and this includes chemotherapy, blood tests, lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies.
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The teen spends between three to five weeks in hospital in isolation and has a two-week break in-between. Depending on her blood counts, the cycle will be repeated until she is given the all clear.
“Please help us get Alma back to health and to the things she loves and misses: danging field hockey, acting, school, her friends and family,” said Hannalize.
We host this event at Kearsney college and our we host three rugby games to help raise us much money and awareness for this beneficiary.
There will be an optional R10 programme charge at the entrance, to help boost the funds raised. Patrons are encouraged to donate a larger amount. There will be raffle tickets for sale as well as food and drinks.
“Please join us as we try and raise as much money for Alma and have a fantastic day of rugby,” said Brian.
Save the date:
The Hillcrest Old School Villagers will take on the Toti Old Crocs at noon. The Land Rover Durban Hillcrest Villagers 2nd XV will play against the Drakensberg 2nd XV at 2pm. The final game between the Land Rover Durban Hillcrest Villagers 1st XV and the Drakensberg 1st XV will kick off at 3.30pm.
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