More members join Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association
Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association is keen to welcome more members to their organisation.
Keep Hillcrest Beautiful Association held a very successful membership drive and recycling awareness initiative recently at the recycling site in Delamore Road. The aim of the organisation is to invite more members to come on board. Plus, there were prizes up for grabs.
Marge Mitchell of the organisation said they rely on funds. “We encourage members of the public and businesses to contribute towards the beautification of our area. We ask only R100 per person per annum. And for businesses, the annual amount we ask is R500 per annum,” she said.
ALSO READ: Keep Hillcrest green
The mission of the day was a success as committee members Gayle Tatton, Billie Prinsloo and Karyn Leibbrandt manned the table and persuaded Taryn Smith to become a subscriber of the association. “Thanks to Richdens SPAR’s Marc Anderson who sponsored a generous gift voucher; to Gayle Tatton, who sponsored a hamper, and to Karyn Leibbrandt who sponsored a Pick ‘n Pay voucher,” said Mitchell.
The winners of the Richdens SPAR voucher were Laurel Oettle and Rob Twelves, while the lucky winner of the hamper was Kim van Niekerk. Visit the organisation’s Facebook page for more details.
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