EDITOR – On Saturday 10 August a pervasive and deafening sound exploded from Lahee Park, spilling over onto neighbouring usually peaceful residential areas, some accommodating elderly people.
We, as occupants of this part of Pinetown, are used to the sounds of enthusiastic sportsmen and women who, together with their families and friends, make use of the park. The cheers of success and shouts of encouragement are a completely acceptable part of such activities.
However, to have the ambiance shattered for over 15 hours from early morning until well after 10 pm without a pause must surely fall far outside the bounds of decent behaviour! So loud and continuous was this loud-speaker driven window-rattling and tile-shaking bombardment that normal conversation, face to face or on the telephone, was not possible. Interestingly, the grossly inconsiderate onslaught was not generated by the attending audience but by the highly amplified music and voices of the compares and their cohorts.
Surely there must be rules, or at least guidelines, to prevent the inconsiderate behaviour of persons using this public facility. If not, why not? If so, why were these not adhered to, and why was nothing done to stop this inexcusable furore? Let us hope that our councillors and responsible Ethekwini management take appropriate corrective action.
Still Ringing Ears