EMPD impounds vehicles in Kempton Park and Boksburg
Both vehicles impounded were taken to the Kempton Park and Boksburg pounds for safekeeping.

The EMPD’s Overloads Unit officers impounded two vehicles in the Kempton Park and Boksburg areas on January 10.
The officers were doing pedestrian management law enforcement duties on the N12 and R21. While patrolling the R21 south and R24 split near OR Tambo International Airport, stopped a white BMW sedan.
After questioning the driver, who produced his driver’s licence, the officers inspected the vehicle, noticing something suspicious about the temporary permit on the rear window.

ALSO READ: EMPD recovers hijacked trailer with cargo valued at R600 000
They told the driver the permit was fraudulent, but he claimed he got it from the dealership where he bought the vehicle. After verifying the permit, the officers impounded the vehicle.
Meanwhile, on Trichardt Road, officers saw a silver Toyota hatchback with foreign registration plates from Eswatini, who asked the driver for the documents allowing the car to operate on SA public roads.
The driver failed to produce them.
The officers said he needed a letter of authority and ownership documents, so they impounded the vehicle.
The vehicles were taken to the Kempton Park and Boksburg pounds for safekeeping.