‘We’ve utilised the city’s money well’ – Mayor
"We will not hesitate to take swift action against corruption, punishing those who commit it in the future."
Executive Mayor of Mogale City, Naga Patrick Lipudi, delivered his impressive two-and-a-half-hour State of the City (Soca) address in the Centenary Hall on Friday, 23 March.
During the address, Lipudi spoke about how well his administration had utilised the city’s money. He also made new promises for the next financial year.
The Soca reports on the current demographics of the municipality, covering the influx and outflow of population, the liquidity ratios, whether the current liabilities exceed the assets (which is the case) and whether the municipality is fulfilling its constitutional mandate.
Lipudi said a total amount of about R3,9 million of the 2017/ 18 budget was spent on resurfacing roads. He also said that R4,8 million had been spent on repairs on New Road in Kagiso.
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He expressed his concern about community members who had bypassed their water meters, saying that it cost the municipality a tremendous amount of money.
He also spoke about the landfill site in Magaliesburg that has reached its full capacity and will be closed down soon. This means that the Krugersdorp landfill site will be used by the waste management department.
Lipudi said he stood in awe of how tourism had grown in the town even though economic times had been tough. “Mogale City is a biologically rich place.
It prides itself on the Magaliesburg mountains, the Cradle of Humankind and the Krugersdorp Nature Reserve, which all deserve our protection. We will establish an integrated development plan to conserve these areas.”
The successful completion of Coronation Park Phase 2, at a cost of R9 million, also came under the spotlight and Lipudi said that Phase 3 will start in 2018. “An extra R3 million will be allocated [to Phase 3],” he said.
The Mayor also condemned any form of corruption, saying, “We will not hesitate to take swift action against corruption, and will punish those who commit it in future.”
He praised the ward councillors for their hard work and for keeping the municipality on its toes, and mentioned that its by-laws will soon be updated. There will also be a skills development Indaba and fashion show hosted by the municipality some time this year. He mentioned the plans to develop a city-wide WiFi system which could be used by the entire community from any point in town.
In closing, Lipudi said, “We are essentially a R3 billion business.”
The Democratic Alliance responded to the Soca and a follow-up article on their comment will be posted soon. For more information about the Soca, visit https://www.mogalecity.gov.za/content/pdfs/press_releases/State_of_the_City_2018.pdf
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