St Ursula’s Class of 2024 flies high
The end of an era marks a new chapter for St Ursula's High School matriculants of 2024.

The long wait and anxiety are finally over for the matriculants of St Ursula’s High School.
As they collected their so-called ‘golden ticket’ which marks the end of their school days but also the beginning of a new journey, many expressed the way forward after school.

Michael Gomes was the top learner achieving seven distinctions during his exams. He intends to study Business Management and he hopes to take his wits with him to university.

Jade Summerton was happy with her results and said she is overwhelmed with emotions, both happy and sad as she will be missing school.

Koketso Molebatsi and Azariah Mackay expressed that when one door closes another will open as they will miss school dearly yet they are excited for what life has in store going forward.