I wish to ask if it is possible for us as a community to declare all forms of begging illegal?
I cannot stand these people anymore and they are becoming more and more.
There are plenty NPOs in the area who cater for these people and gladly will help them. How did humanity lose its sense of pride? — Self-respect rather.
Please could everyone stop handing out money at the robots?
I understand that you are trying to convince yourself that you are doing the right thing, but you are making the problem worse!
In actual fact, it is very similar to animals being fed in conservation parks. The animals become dependent on handouts and this causes them to not hunt or feed, or dig in the ground, etc.
This puts strain on the ecosystem, causing irreversible damage, collapse or the extinction of smaller species. People are the same.
These beggars now become dependent on handouts instead of contributing positively in society. I beg all of you motorists who keep feeding this horrible fire more fuel to stop.
Put your R2 in the cans at Pick n Pay if you have to get rid of your money, take the R2 donation at KFC when you order out again, support the fight against Rhino poaching, but please stop depriving these people of standing up for themselves. Don’t do it!