
Apply the lessons of the stories to your own life

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Many people believe two pillars of their Christian faith are the Bible and prayer. Together these two give us not only a solid foundation but also a great compass for life.

Prayer, as simple as it is, can be a real challenge. Time to pray is difficult, what to pray for isn’t easy either.

But once someone explains that prayer is talking to God, it becomes easier.

Reading the Bible is very different. It is a very long book and it contains many very confusing stories. For me personally three keywords open the Bible – observe, interpret and apply.

Look at a chapter in the Bible, for example Mark chapter 1.

Observe, look at the main stories, John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, calling four disciples, healing people and Jesus’ times of solitude. Next, interpret – look at the details of each story and its historic and cultural setting. Now you are a student.

Finally, apply the lessons of the stories to your own life.

Knowing your Bible has two main advantages. Firstly, people cannot lie to you. You know the truth. Secondly, you make better choices in your own life. If the Bible is a pillar of Christianity, you need to know it.

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