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Maake hosts crime awareness Imbizo

The South African Police Services held a crime awareness Imbizo at Mahwibidung village last Thursday.

This after the area experienced a number of challenges regarding criminal activities recently.

According to the police, the province has a total of 99 police stations and the cluster statistics show that Mahwibidung village in the Maake policing area has the highest crime rates.

The police urged the community to effectively participate in the fight against crime in Mahwibidung area.

“Crime reporting is everyone’s responsibility, and we urge people to report cases even though they are not directly involved,” said the Department of Safety and Security Head, Nchabeng Tsebe.

The Imbizo was aimed at getting the community involved to assist the police in solving crimes and bringing crime rates down.

Various challenges were brought to their attention and the community as whole is negatively affected by the high volume of alcohol consumption, which is common among the youth. This results in them walking in the streets at night where they risk becoming victims of rape.

One of the biggest challenges the community faces is that of nyaope and marijuana smokers.

When they need to buy these drugs they end up breaking into peoples homes, steal peoples property then sell it in order to feed their addictions.

Mothers also opt to selling their daughters to foreign shop owners in order to make ends meet.

The SAPS pleads with them to stop because this is illegal and action shall be taken against them.

Women who also leave their children at home late at night and go out drinking have also been reported, this puts their children in a vulnerable position as they are an easy target for rapists and theirs homes can easily be accessed by thieves. “We are tired of being stolen from and raped” said Deco Makola, a member of the Youth Against crime. He said gangs threaten teachers at schools and we must do something about in order to create a safe learning environment for our children.

“As a community we should take care of our own streets,” said Tsebe. Tsebe further stated that there are victim empowerment centers available and those should be utilized by the community.

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